Home Why is YouTube Video Ads So Useful?

Why is YouTube Video Ads So Useful?

YouTube video Ads
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YouTube Video Ads!      

The fastest and easiest way of getting qualified traffic means the traffic that will actually convert into leads customers. What will you do? Paid Advertising!

No doubt YouTube video Ads are the cheapest paid advertising available nowadays.

Does it mean other paid advertising means like   Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, etc. are substandard? Certainly not! In fact, they’re good in their own ways, but they are expensive and more competitive.

Do you know YouTube video ads can bring you the same results as that of other platforms? Yes, it is, typically at a much lower cost and with fewer competitors.

 Advertising on YouTube

It’s not hype…..it’s actually on the ground. 

How cheap is YouTube video Ads?

In an actual sense, YouTube Video Ads normally cost 3 times less than Facebook Ads.

It’s not just publicity or not just a number, in reality in some markets this cost is even 2-10 times less. One thing, you should be sure that YouTube video Ads are less costly than Facebook Ads.

Most importantly, YouTube video ads face 3 times less competition than Facebook ads that means your advertising opportunities on YouTube are wide-open.

Have you ever given a deeper look at Facebook and Facebook ads? On Facebook, generally, people waste time revolving around the posts about what other people doing, eating, and thinking.

As an advertiser, your video ads can be an effort to divert their attention to something which they won’t be thinking.

On YouTube, the viewer’s intent is relatively high in comparison to Facebook Ads, that is because the users usually search for something specific.  Your video Ads will appear on those specific things that users are watching.

That means, you are holding on to the visitors at the exact moment when they’re searching for something special, whether that is a product or service. 

Facebook Ads- YouTube Video Ads

How Does Free Advertising Work on YouTube- The 2nd Largest Search Engine?

YouTube is not just one such social media platform where people simply go on watching videos, commenting, chatting, or doing video-calling, moving one social media account to another, or wasting time doing silly things.

Instead, it’s a platform where the users type specific keywords for the things they’re looking for; it’s actually a search engine. In reality, it’s currently the 2nd largest search engine in terms of searches, next to Google.  

Nearly, 1 billion people are on YouTube daily; they watch an average of 5 billion videos a day. This is something extraordinary. 

YouTube charges you for video ads that people watch for more than 30 seconds or they click on the Ad. Ask yourself, if someone watches for 25 seconds, then? You will be charged nothing

You must be thinking about what difference it makes. Just think about TV Ads. Do you click on them to watch videos? No.

TV ads simply make you aware of the product or service or the idea they convey. Advertisers spend millions on them. The strategy is, once the people become aware of the product or service, some will be sure to avail themselves.  

The same thing is true for YouTube video ads; the only thing is that you’re not spending millions on that. YouTube allows you to make people aware of the product or service for free.

Building Huge Audience through “Influencers” and Affiliate Marketing

Gone are the days when advertisers and businesses look for “Influencers” to sell their stuff and beg them to promote your stuff to their audience in exchange for something, this is called finding super-affiliates.

This is something that YouTube allows you to do. YouTube is the platform where you can find loads of such influencers YouTube. These influencers have created an audience of millions…

We need to thank those YouTube influencers who have created this huge network of audiences.  YouTube will help you to reach that audience.

That means YouTube will run your ads in front of their videos. It means you will have the opportunity to earn a hefty sum from a big, targeted audience that someone else has built.

Now you can imagine the power of YouTube video ads for your business. 

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