Home Tantric Sex Practices: Delay Climax and Strengthen Orgasm

Tantric Sex Practices: Delay Climax and Strengthen Orgasm

Tantric sex practices
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When you hear the term “tantric sex”, what is the first thing coming to your mind?  Many couples, specifically men think deeply about this, they don’t have any idea what it is.  Some couples imagine that this is a physical process where both the partners gaze deeply into each other’s eyes and slowly and slowly get locked up in an ecstatic grip with limbs wrapped wildly.  Everyone knows that Tantra has evolved from the east that is from India. But it’s gripping the Western lifestyle. Here, we will discuss how tantric sex practices are spreading and gaining popularity in the West. How to practice tantric sex?

tantric sex practices

What is Tantric Sex?  

Many people find tantric sex is something that Kama Sutra teaches. In the real sense, tantric sex is a type of conscious lovemaking where sexual energy is tried to cultivate and transmit for the realization of strong healing or creativity force.

Tantric sex or Tantric lovemaking can be assumed as radically different from the “normal” sex, in fact, not so much about sexual positions where sexual energy is directed at relieving the body tension via frequent ejaculation & orgasm. This process involves wasting sexual energy that is released through the navel chakra. Tantric sex is largely dependent on one’s ability to control his/her sexual impulses. Rather than trying to engage with it immediately, the tantric practitioner could prevent himself from orgasm for days, weeks, months, and even years. 

When you start to learn about tantric sex, it’s for you to know how we use and misuse our sexual energy. Many of us misuse our sexual energy via manipulation and mind games. Sexual force can emerge as a very powerful living force that is channeled with perfect intentions. 

Everyone knows that tantra has been originated from the East, particularly in India, and slowly gripping the Western sexual psyche. Now tantric sex practices are getting huge attention from Western lifestyles and sex therapists. The performing ideas of tantric sex can be found in Hinduism, Buddhism, and also in Taoism. Its objective is to have deeper sexual satisfaction and emotional connection. In the case of tantric sex practices, the Western consciousness is more in line with exotic and orgasmic rituals derived from India and Tibet blending sex and meditation.

Secual Healing and Spirituality

Tantric Sex Practices and Normal Sex Life

The question arises of how tantric sex would be useful for better sexual experience and sexual satisfaction. This involves slowing down everything and becoming calm. Keep everything for the main encounter rather than rushing up with instant excitement. Tantric sex is all about enjoyment and developing a greater level of intimacy.

Tantric sex can be performed by anyone to rejuvenate or reboot the sex life and find in-depth sexual experience. If quickie sex is just as instant Tiffin, tantra sex would be a relaxed and calming meal involving a combination of varied recipes. That is highly delicious and mentally satisfactory. 

tantric sex practices

Why should give you a try of Tantric Sex?  

Tantra sex involves providing enough time and effort to sexual intercourse that will reach an ultimate or intense level of ecstasy. When it comes to sex, we usually take an isolated view of our lives away from mental and physical health. But in an actual sense, everything is interconnected even our pleasure. The experts feel the need to perform tantra sex for the following reasons:

  • If you’re looking to have something new in bed
  • If you want more intimacy with your partner
  • If you want to reconnect with your partner while performing a sexual act

What is the process of Tantric Sex Practices?

Tantric sex is the process of entirely focusing on what is happening between you and your partner and not worrying about the result. If you find it difficult to let go of external tension and concentrate on a given moment, then it is recommended to practice tantra. The following process can be exercised:

  1. Turn down the light where you will practice being completely detached from the outside world and start concentrating on yourself.
  2. Loosen the body. Tantra is all about transmitting the energy inside the body. Start shaking your limbs heavily to unlock and energize your body system.
  3. Stay off the bed. This will trigger the sleep button inside your brain. That means you’re setting up for a quickie urge instead of a deep connection and loving sex.
  4. Be comfortable. Lie down with your partner on the floor and start touching each other gently. In this position, take your time and start leisurely going around your body.
  5. Try various touches and various messages such as firm massage, light feathering touches, or gentle stroking. Such acts are done to heighten the senses in a slow but calibrated way building up to reach the peak of excitement. If this is performed perfectly, this would prolong your sex to a longer period.
  6. Think about breathing- If your mind isn’t focused and starts wandering, you could re-focus on enhancing the connection between both partners and start concentrating on your mind.
  7. Don’t stop if it doesn’t stay for 10 minutes, you should practice it again. Sexual intercourse has a start, middle & end.

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