Home Why Toxic Workplace behaviors?

Why Toxic Workplace behaviors?

Toxic Workplace Behaviors
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Jeff Bezos’ space company “Blue Origin” is accused of being a toxic workplace as 21% of former employees claimed in that regard. As performer employees of accused Blue Origin of the are said to have signed the stringent nondisclosure agreements, stifling internal feedback, mistrust, disregarding, safety concerns, and creating a sexist environment for women. Toxic workplace culture and toxic workplace behaviors are the cause of concern for many.

Ellen DeGeneres’s workplace saga forced her to end her daytime talk show there were wider allegations of a toxic work environment where top producers were said to be engaged in huge sexual misconduct with lower-level employees.

When she was asked about alleged sexual misconduct by the senior producers of the show she answered that if you’re a creative person, you would be constantly challenged and you need to be challenged to bring the best out of it. Of course, creative people have to go through such things more these days. Do you feel dreadful going to work because of a tough boss or difficult colleagues or tired of groups? Don’t think you’re alone. The recent research reveals that workplace incivility that is rudeness, disrespectful or insensible behaviors is widespread around the world and on the rise.

Toxic workplace Behaviors

Measuring the trouble or incivility at the workplace is subjective. Employees face varying degrees of toxic workplace behaviors are witnessed. There are instances where errant colleagues blatantly mocking at someone. There are some silent ways in which people contribute to the toxic environment that include:

Harsh Criticism of Someone: Make harsh criticism of a subordinate that isn’t constructive particularly before other colleagues. Making a statement such as this is like a childish effort. The people find it difficult to digest and embarrassed.

Walking with credit for others’ work: Stop praising others and not providing gratitude and credit where it is due.

Displaying curtness as efficiency: Some people claim that as there is so much burden overloaded responsibilities and pressure of performance they stop them to be nice and forcing them to be rude.

Ignoring tone and disharmonize expression: Show no sensitivity towards what has to be said and what not to be for a worker and its possible consequences. Finding that this style fits every situation.

Fail to make eye contact and smile: Affected by a cold, suffocated, and pressure atmosphere, some don’t know how to smile and acknowledge.

Work place behaviors and work place bullying

Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying is one of the most dominant signs of toxic workplace culture and toxic place behaviors. Workplace bullying to a particular employee arises for the following reasons:

  • You attract a lot of positive attention for your work.
  • It could be because you’re smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, and creative and regularly contribute some new and innovative ideas.
  • You make extra effort and gain recognition for your hard work.
  • You could move through projects when others are struggling.
Toxic Workplace behaviors

Bad and Non-Communicative Boss

There are workplaces where the boss is abusive, acts like a dictator, keeps everyone under wrap, and hiring & firing anyone without any justification contribute largely to the toxic workplace culture. It’s not just the boss’ bad behavior but the resulting environment creates a situation where everyone has to work in scary, intimidating and even forced to blame or create a wrongful picture of his/her colleagues secretly before the boss to keep himself in good books.

The toxic workplace culture and toxic workplace behavior lower the productivity of the organization, paralyzes its workforce, and diminish creativity and innovation. Now, the time has arrived for employers, business owners, and industry leaders to address such issues. It makes the difference when you’re able to retain performing staff whether the company fails or fails or succeeds. Otherwise, the employees would try to jump the ship.

Workplace Groupism

Groups at the workplace are a very common phenomenon in almost every organization and contribute hugely to the toxic workplace culture. Of course, it’s a part of office politics. Favoritism and workplace rivalry comes out of such conduct aided by similar opinions and interests, typical cultures, comfort, easily getting along with each other, like-mindedness, etc. Such workplace behaviors generate conflicts and problems among the employees and turn the environment extremely volatile and bring unhealthy competition at the workplace. The following effects of workplace groupism:

  • Disrupt Teamwork
  • Become a hassle for new entrants
  • Individual Group Development
  • Unwanted and Cut-throat Competition
  • Demoralizing and De-motivating
  • Low Productivity
  • Unnerving work environment   

toxic workplace culture and toxic workplace behaviors

Organizations Enjoy Toxic Workplace

The senior management and employers sometimes breed toxic workplace culture and toxic work environment through various ways to gain maximum control and foothold on their respective organizations. They want to see divisions in their rank and files so that they will come to know about the individual issues related to employee, business, and performance. Sometimes it can be productive. In most cases, it is degenerative.

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